Wednesday 27 March 2013

The Mowls find Happiness

Mowl in a Tree sees World for First Time by Foutoux
All Rights Reserved Copyright L.Ivison 2013

Things were going from bad to worse.  Prince Volovski now had a huddle of Mowls under the Great Oak Tree - a group of sad black creatures who looked up at the tree with tears running down their faces.  They wanted to sit in the tree like their father Woody the Owl and were no longer content to burrow underground like their mother Molly the Mole had done.  No, the Prince had given them the gift of sight by crossing Woody and Molly and now that the Mowls saw how beautiful the world was they wanted to look at it - and preferably up a tree. 

Inside the chateau the Kuppies (a cross between Ming the Siamese Cat and Lenin the Dalmation Dog) grew day by day and the Prince's reputation as a fine aristocratic gentleman was under fire.  The world seemed to be laughing at him with his purring dogs and he was at his wits' end.  The only consolation was that the Kuppies seemed to enjoy playing with the Wowls - and the Wowls seemed to enjoy it too - giving them some relief from their existential misery.

The first Spring days always made the Prince's garden beautiful and his Crimson Neige Rose continued to bloom as it did all year.  He had not cut down all of his Grey Pear Trees- his hybrid pear from which he had removed the colour from the pears and the branches tinkled when a bird sat on one.  He was under this tree when the idea hit him - how to make the Mowls happier.  He would breed a tree which ran along, or nearly along the ground so that the Mowls could climb into their branches and imitate their father Woody the Owl.

The next Spring, sure enough, the Prince had crossed a bonsei tree with a creeping rose and the trunk of the new tree was a mere 6 inches off the ground with long, long branches - easily accessible to the Mowls who gratefully climbed onto the branches.  True, the thorns, softened by the crossng, made them a little uncomfortable but they clung on with their mole flippers and watched the world from the branches just like Papa who, if he was ever awake in during the day, looked proudly down from the Oak Tree to his strange offspring.

The Prince had at last his first taste of success.  FOUTOUX.  All Rights Reserved. Copyright L.Ivison 2013

Mowl climbs Hybrid Rose Tree and Sees the World Foutoux
All Rights Reserved. Copyright L.Ivison 2913

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